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I wanna become female
Hi my name is Emil. I'm 21 year old Man
I want to change my sex
I just want to be an ordinary woman. A sex change operation from male-to-female cost $12000
I have only $ 2000
I wanna become female I can't.I can't be myself and accept what and who I am. I want to be a woman! Fall in love and be happy. The world is free, but still not me.
Help me/ just make a donation:
I'm not so sure it's a good idea for me to publish my address. So,
you can donate me money, via PayPal or E-gold.
PayPal can accept cash, efts or your Visa or Mastercard. It's safe,
secure, easy and free. They charge me a small fee for accepting
payments, so a donation of less than a dollar is kind of not worth
effort. But I will be glad to this
dollar. It will help me feel that my dream is
I wanna become female>==>===>==>
My ICQ number and e-mail
You can contact me by ICQ or mail me
e 2 3 0 3 8 7 @yahoo.com
Please make a title (your dream) in your message.